Sunday, December 19, 2010


My life has changed drastically in the last year. . .

Let's see, where to begin. . .

First, I'd start with my move out of San Francisco (tear) back to Fresno, Ca. I know, I know, it's only three or so hours away from the city I love SO much, but let's be honest here, anyone from the city, who belongs in the city, knows three hours is a lifetime away. And the difference in people and culture are even further. But I've taken this leap (forcefully) with open arms and an open mind. I will be back in San Francisco someday, I belong there. I will be back. . .

Now Fresno. . . Fresno is. . . Fresno. I have to give it to them for trying to open up and broaden our horizons here. In the past few years, they've really brought a lot of changes to this area, including the new mod fad that's taking over younger populations, which remind me a little of the city. Here, I am working on a new portfolio, new collections, freelancing. . . pretty much living my life. I was pretty apprehensive about moving back at first, "What am I going to do in Fresno??" I had no idea. But I will admit it has taken a huge load off of my shoulders not having to work a full time job doing something I hate, just to make part of my thousand-something dollar rent each month. Not to mention, I LOVE to eat and actually having money to go out to exotic dinners is AMAZING (and fattening). Once I got over the sadness and grief of losing my city, and once the three-year old tantrums ended, I've come to realize. . . dun! dun! DUN! . . . this place isn't so bad.

So here is where I will remain, telling you a little more of my life changes since I've been back and letting you into something completely personal and all mine. . . .

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